Scheduled to Serve
Schedule to Serve this month…..
9 Babs Van Acker
16 Volunteer Needed
23 Volunteer Needed
30 Volunteer Needed
26 Volunteer Needed
Greeters & Ushers
Jan & Feb Participation has not yet resumed in our services.
Offering Processing
9 Katie Yerger, Carol Leiter
16 Bev Kuhn, Carole Freed
23 Katie Yerger, Ken VanAcker
30 Carole Freed, Carol Leiter
6 Ken VanAcker
13 Dave Williams
Altar Guild Schedule
January Marcella Kulp, Lori Carney
February Carol Horton
Communion Servers
Communion Servers not needed for January and February
Communion Arrangements
Communion Arrangements not needed for January and February