Church History
Church History
It was 1806 that our founders received a charter to build a church at the same location as our current building. Needless to say, while the actual location has remained the same, a lot of other things have changed. Although not the original building, our current one has expanded from time to time over the years -- our sanctuary is larger and our balcony smaller. We now have a basement and an elevator. Also, along the way, the building would, for 120+ years, also house St. John's Lutheran Church, which is now located across the street from us.
While our denominational affiliation has remained the same, it has expanded and changed its name a couple of times. The Evangelical and Reformed churches merged at one point, and, still later, merged again with the Congregational Christian churches to become the United Church of Christ.
Many other changes have taken place since our church's founding. Did you know that we began with Thomas Jefferson as President? We've lived through the Civil War and all of the wars since then. We have seen technological and industrial advances that no one could possibly have imagined in 1806. Indeed, if our original founders were to show up outside of our church today, they would be astonished! The traffic speeding by would certainly be frightening to those used to horses and buggies! Computers, cell phones, air and space travel would boggle their mind as well.
But there is something else that they might be amazed about - the fact that there is a church that has weathered all of the changes and has consistently, week after week, worshiped and proclaimed the truth of God on the same corner where it all began. That is what we intend to keep right on doing. As the world continues to change in every way imaginable, we intend to adapt to those changes and to provide programs of worship, education and outreach that continue to honor our God. We strive to make our church a place where everyone feels welcome and where they might grow closer to God.
In 1806, our founders believed that there needed to be a church on our corner to help meet the spiritual needs of the Richlandtown community. We still hold that same conviction.