Items of Note

As with any website, you may find an error or omission.  Please let us know about it, by using the Contact Us button on the navigation bar.

And, if you would like to support St. John's and co-sponsor our website, please let the Church Office know!

Use of the Church and/or Church Property:  Any activity that needs to be ‘booked’ at St. John’s, or borrowing of Church Property i.e. tables, chairs, or other items, should be arranged through the Church Office.   Thank you!

EXPENSES:  Please keep in mind St. John's expenses are ongoing through the winter, spring, summer and fall.  Please give to St. John's ministry in a way which is pleasing to God!  

SCRIPTURE READING:  We are always looking for volunteers to read scripture passages at our Sunday morning Worship Services. If you would like to read or have any questions, please see Marcella Kulp. 

PRAYER and the PRAYER CHAIN:  The Prayer Chain is an opportunity for us to communicate with God. Please allow our Prayer Chain to join you in prayer.  The information you give will be kept confidential.

For prayer needs or for membership, please contact Marcella Kulp at 215-536-5625. 

ST. JOHN'S LOUNGE:  There are some additions to our library . . . come downstairs and take a look at the new display that Barb Fehnel and Mary Musselman put together . . . local authors and children's books.  Just sign-out a book and enjoy it at home for a while! 

SPREAD THE WORD!  All Committee Chairpersons please give reports or any current information on meetings, socials, events, etc., to the Church Secretary or Pastor Jo.  The deadline is Thursday AM by 9:30 AM for the following Sunday Bulletin.  Please call 215-538-0875, or e-mail, or send your information to our Post Office box.  Our e-mail address is 

GREETERS, USHERS and ACOLYTES:  Please note, if you are a greeter, usher and also an acolyte on any given Sunday, please be at the church at least 20 minutes before the service so that you can light the candles. 
Ushers may return to their seats after giving the offering plate to the pastor or acolyte; so they may be seated with the congregation for the Offertory Prayer. 

HOW DOES ST. JOHN'S UCC HELP OTHERS?:  Our benevolences help us reach beyond our Church doors to help our neighbors.  Some of the ways we do this is through support to: 

Our Churches' Wider Mission (OCWM)
through the PA Southeast Conference of the United Church of Christ

 Phoebe Richland Quakertown Food Pantry Food for Friends

Quakertown Cares One Great Hour of Sharing Neighbors In Need

Heifer International Salvation Army Richlandtown Fire Co.

All Saints Offering Strengthen The Church UCC Christmas Fund
for Retired Clergy

Thank you for your continued generous support to help the "least of these". 


 Prayers and Concerns within Our Congregation

Mark Bilger Dorothy Ewer Barbara Fehnel        

Donna (Gross) Hilbert       Joey Leiter Mary Musselman        

Jacob Pearson Nancy Pearson                 George Schaffer

     Contact the Church Office for Addresses


Thanks to all who give of their time and effort assist around our church.